Friday, 15 July 2011

Brown Basilisk

Brown Basilisk

The Brown Basilisk or Striped Basilisk (in some areas referred to as common Basilisk) is one species of Brown lizard. They are native to Panama, Belize,northwestern Colombia,and Costa Rica,but have been introduced into the U.S. state of Florida as a feral species.

Along with the common Basilisk they have the nickname Jesus lizard because when fleeing from a predator, they are very fast and can even run on top of water. Basilisk actually have large hind feet with flaps of skin between each toe. The fact that they move quickly across the water, aided by their web like feet, gives them the appearance of walking on water.

Male Brown Basilisk can reach 80cm (30 inches) in length and females are somewhat smaller. Their are three crests on their head, along the body and along the tail. They usually appear in brown or olive brown with black stripes.The stripes are usually only on the flanks and on the dorsal crest. They also have a large white stripe, which extend’s from the eyes to the rear legs. The males have a larger crest than females.

The Brown Basilisk generic name is basilicas is taken from the creature of Greek Mythology made up in parts of a rooster , snake , and lion which could turn a man into a stone by a gaze. The basilisk. The name derives from Greek basilisks meaning little king. This epithet was given in Carlos Linnaeus 10Th edition by System Naturae.

Smaller Basilisks can run about 10-20 metres on water without sinking.Young Basilisks can usually run farther than the older ones. If the animal faces danger , it starts to run very fast on the surface of a river or a lake.Then the flaps on its hind feet are opened and thus more surface area is provided for it to run on water.

They are the small infraorder as the iguanas family. like most reptiles, Basilisks are active during the day. They have long toes and sharp claws.Most are under a foot in length,but some may grow up to two feet. Basilisks usually weigh between 200-600 grams. Their maximum lifespan is probably around 7-8 years. In the wild most die younger. Females lay about 2-18 eggs , five to eight times a year. Egg hatch after about three months and the babies weigh about 2 grams. Their outstanding camouflage allows them them to remain motionless and very hard to detect.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

New York Fact's

New York has 722 miles of subway track.The first capitol of the United States was New York In 1789 George Washington took his oath of office on the balcony at federal hall.New York is home to 58 species of wild orchids. New York has over 70,000 miles of streams and rivers. The dutch owned New York and it was called New Amsterdam. When the British got New york they named it New York. The Bill of rights was passed in Federal Hall. Hong Kong is the only city that outnumbers the amount of sky scrapers. Over 35 percent of New Yorkers were born outside the United States. New York is one of the safest large cities in America. About 40 percent of New York’s subway is underground. The New York marathon is the largest in the world with nearly 40,000 competitors, New York is the biggest city in America by population.New York is the home of the United Nation’s. New York is on a natural Harbour.As many as 800 languages are spoken in New York. The statue of Liberty was given to the American’s as a gift from the French. Manhattan’s real estate is one of the most sought after and also very expensive. The New York Post is the oldest Newspaper in the United States.New York has the most extensive public library facilities in the United States, including the New York Public Library, one of the nation's largest. New Yorkers travel on average 40 minutes to work each day. New York's Central Park is larger than the principality of Monaco

World war 2

fact’s about World war 2.

The First shot was fired 20 year’s 9 months 19 days 18 hours after the last shot of world war 1.It was shot by the German’s in Poland. At 4:30am on September 1st 1939 A German Cruiser moved down the port canal and fired at blank range the order had been given to the German’s to fire and this was the beginning of World War 2. 14 men were killed and 53 were wounded. The reason behind Germany starting World war 2 apart from the obvious that Hitler was evil was because Germany had actually played a big part in world war 1 and it’s beginning’s. So Germany had loads of sanctions against them such as No big armies. The German’s suffered a lot from the sanctions and the country was suffering from hunger unemployment etc. Of course this was a perfect time for Hitler to rally the German’s and his scapegoat was the Jew’s. Every problem Germany had was blamed upon the Jew’s. When Hitler and the German’s declared war on Poland. England and France declared war on the German’s for breaking the treat of Versailles. Hitler spread his hatred of Jews across Europe firstly making them second class citizens they were not allowed to go to the movies, Ride a bus, go to the same school as other children, They had to war the star of David on them so everyone would know they were Jews, They suffered in just about every aspect of life. But it gets worse Hitler then set up concentration camp’s where he gassed million’s of Jews, starved them to death, or let them die of disease. Before the end of the war 6 million Jews would be wiped of the face of the earth. 61 countries would be pulled into the war. 1.7 billion people 2/rd's of planet earth’s population. 50million people would die. America was pulled into the war when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour. World war 2 became one of the most expensive war’s the world has ever fought it also had massive loss of life. Most of Europe lay in rubble by the time it was finished. Japan had 2 bomb’s dropped from the sky
courtesy of the United state’s which caused massive death and damage. Loads of people were injured and scarred without limb’s. Full Jewish families’s were wiped out never to be found again never to be given a Jewish burial. Thousands upon thousands of solders were never returned home and were buried all around Europe. Massive fields have been dedicated to the solider’s. And Hitler when the Allie’s were closing in got a gun to his head and a cyanide pill in his mouth and committed suicide.

William Shakespeare facts.

William Shakespeare Facts.
No-one know Shakespeare’s Birthday (April 23rd is used but no-one knows if this is his real birthday)
Shakespeare was related to Mary Arden who was arrested and executed for plotting against Queen Elizabeth I.
Shakespeare never published any of his play’s
Shakespeare family was illiterate
We don’t actually know what Shakespeare looked like there were never any portraits of him done
Shakespeare's grandchildren all died - he had no descendants
Shakespeare is famous for such plays as a midsummer’s nights dream, Macbeth and romeo and Juliet
He wrote 38 Plays 154 sonnet’s and two long narrative poem’s
His plays have been translated into every major language
His wives name was Anne Hathaway and he had three children
one of his children died at age 11
Some say he was a Roman Catholic His mother came from a Pius Catholic Family However it was illegal to be a Catholic during Shakespeare’s time.
No-one knows the cause of Shakespeare’s death
And no one knows exactly why day he died but commonly it’s given as the same as his birth date 23rd of April.

Queen Victoria facts

Queen Victoria was the longest reigning Monarch. She ruled Britain and Ireland from 1837-1901.She was also the empress of India. The Victorian Era is when she Reigned.Victoria was an only Child. Queen Victoria’s birthday is May 24Th. Her Father sadly passed away just 8 months after she was born.Victoria was born at Kensignton Palace. Her royal name was Her Royal Highness Princess Victoria of Kent. Victoria’s first language was German by the time she was three she could speak English and French. (impressive when I was 3 I could just about speak English lol) Victoria was home schooled.When Victoria was 18 she became queen.(To think when i was 18 i was out drinking and being a young wild thing)When she was 21 she married her cousin (ewww) Albert of Saxe-Coburg Gotha.Victoria had nine children, 40 grand-children and 37 great-grandchildren, scattered all over Europe. Most of Queen Victoria's children married into other royal families of Europe (that’s a lot of family imagine buy them Christmas pressies) She reigned for 63 years. When Albert died of Typhoid fever it has also been claimed that Albert had stomach cancer. Queen Victoria wore black for almost 10 years til she passed away.Queen Victoria hated smoking (probably hated the smell of tobacco) When Queen Victoria was queen big changes where happening around the world it was during the industrial revolution. Also their were big social changes. And the British Empire was very strong.She was the last of the House of Hanover.

Facts about Hawaii.

The state of Hawaii consists of eight main islands: Niihau, Kauai,Oahu,Maui,Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe,and the big island of Hawaii. Hawaii is the most is isolated population on the face of the earth. Hawaii is 2,390 miles from California, 3850 miles from Japan, 4,900 miles from China, and 5,280 miles from the Philippines. Hawaii is the only state that grows coffee. More than one third of the worlds pineapple’s come from Hawaii. From East to west Hawaii is the widest state in the U.S.A. The Hawaiian Islands is the projecting tops of the biggest mountain range in the world. It was under water Volcano’s that gave birth to the island’s of Hawaii.
Hawaii was the last of the 50 states to join the union in 1959. Hawaii has it’s own time zone and also they do not do daylight saving’s the only other state who doesn’t do time zone’s is Arizona. Hawaii boast’s more than 100 beach’s. Hawaii is the only state made up for island’s.
One of the things Hawaii is famous for is that Pearl Harbour happened there.
Hawaii has over a million residents and many tourists pour in every year. Hawaii has two official languages English and Hawaiian. Hawaii has the biggest population density in the USA.Hawaii has the lowest obesity in the united states.

Okay I do have a blog,

I do have a blog but no one reads it. It's kinda personal blog but this one will be more about facts opinion's funny news items and I just want to make it fun. So Lets see if we can make a good blog that is popular.